I really liked this product. I felt like there was not a long burning aftertaste in my mouth. Compared to regular Listerine, it wasn't as "thin", I could feel like a coating on my teeth after I rinsed. This makes me feel like a protective layer that is working to help my teeth. I liked the flavor, it was very pleasing.
Nice minty taste. Made my mouth feel clean without being too strong of a flavor
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Home Tester
11 Reviews
Home Tester
11 Reviews
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Stronger teeth and fresh breath
Great way to have strong teeth and fresh breath in one product, and it tastes great
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Margaret(New York)
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6 Reviews
Margaret(New York)
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6 Reviews
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Stronger teeth w/Listerine
Great flavor
Love the packaging. it is very eye catching
would definitely buy this product again!
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Terri(Saint Louis)
Home Tester
19 Reviews
Terri(Saint Louis)
Home Tester
19 Reviews
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Definitely freshens breath
Listerine Strong Teeth is good, but really does not promote what the name says. It does freshen your breath extrememly well, but it does not promote strong teeth (at least not in the time I used it). Maybe if I used it for a longer time period, I would notice a greater difference, but the only thing I can say for sure is that it freshens your breath.
definitely something new with this listerine mouthwash, it is more gentle and pack with powerful cleaning. I like the taste and smell of it.
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Home Tester Ace
26 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
26 Reviews
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Fresh breath
LISTERINE® Strong Teeth leaves a fresh breath that stays long.
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Home Tester Pro
93 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
93 Reviews
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listerine is great and works very good. i love the way it keeps my mouth fresh after i use it with no bad after taste.
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Home Tester
31 Reviews
Home Tester
31 Reviews
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Get this!
Listerine Strong Teeth is exactly what I’ve been looking for! The flavor is nice and refreshing like you’re used to with other listerine products.
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LETISHA(Central Islip)
Home Tester Pro
85 Reviews
LETISHA(Central Islip)
Home Tester Pro
85 Reviews
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Minty Greatness!!
My son’s first impression of the Listerine Smart Rinse Mint Shield Mouthwash was the color of course!! He was so excited about the Sea BlueColor (that’s what he called it) he couldn’t wait to try it out. As a mother I liked that just by the color of it made him happy to get up every morning for the (Sea Blue Ocean stuff that makes his mouth clean), his words...It wasn’t a fight in the mornings anymore, it made him want to brush his teeth and use mouthwash, that wouldn’t burn or overpower the tastebuds. He loves the Mint flavor, he said he likes how it leaves behind a minty taste after using. He’s able to enjoy eating breakfast right after without the harsh after taste. My son used this product twice a day (morning upon waking up and night before bed). I’m loving that it’s alcohol free and gets the kids teeth stronger for better cavity protection, exactly what a parent wants in a product made for kids. I’m definitely recommending and have purchased more for my household. Amazing Product
Home Tested with free product
Home Tester
16 Reviews
Home Tester
16 Reviews
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Works really great
I got the Listerine Strong Teeth Mouth wash and I have to say that it worked really well and let my teeth feeling nice and clean and fresh and it even made my teeth feel stronger.
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Home Tester Pro
65 Reviews
Home Tester Pro
65 Reviews
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Great taste and nice flavor
My mouth and breath felt fresh for hours
This was a very good mouthwash it was super strong and you can fill it work as soon as you put it in your mouth swishing from side to side and it has a very good blast of Listerine flavor and afterwords your mouth feels very minty and fresh
This really freshens my mouth. It is quite strong but I feel like this means it’s working! If it truly strengthens my teeth, that’s even better. I haven’t had a cavity in years and don’t want one!
Rocio (Tampa)
Rocio (Tampa)
Christina (Nazareth)
Christina (Nazareth)
Jennifer (Norristown)
Jennifer (Norristown)
Margaret (New York)
Margaret (New York)
Terri (Saint Louis)
Terri (Saint Louis)
Tony (Burke)
Tony (Burke)
Meven (Newark)
Meven (Newark)
Dave (Goodyear)
Dave (Goodyear)
Shannon (Bedford)
Shannon (Bedford)
LETISHA (Central Islip)
LETISHA (Central Islip)
Denise (Brooklyn)
Denise (Brooklyn)
Greg (Miami)
Greg (Miami)
Chrystie (Greenville)
Chrystie (Greenville)
janine (Loma Linda)
janine (Loma Linda)