I love this family pack. It has a great mix of different size bandages for different body parts. I love the cute kids Toy Story ones too! I'm also super impressed that they are latex free.
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Angela(Flat Rock)
Home Tester
14 Reviews
Angela(Flat Rock)
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14 Reviews
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Best brand ever!
Whenever I know my family hurt themselves, I instantly go to bandaid brand. With this pack there is something for every boo boo, including the kids! Bandaid brand is the only one that sticks the best and good in water!
Band aide only gets better as time goes by. They mean what they say when it waterproof, it's "WATERPROOF" ITS COMFORTABLE AND MOVES ALONG WUTH YOU NATURAL GROOVE IT BENDS. THE CLOTH OBES, they are so comfortable that u completely forget about them and the toy story baby band aides have to be hidden bc my kiddos will think they are sticker's I'm sure.
Over all impressed by the 5 types I was sent and will definitely purchase from now on
The BAND-AID® Brand Family Pack Assorted Sizes 110ct is perfect for our needs. It contains seperate boxes of each style for convenient storage. The variety os styles and sizes covers all our needs. From adult to small child. The waterproof bandaid's are perfect for swimming use and our grandkids love the toy story bandaid.
I like this band aid brand family pack assorted sizes. It has different sizes . The band aid is very much colorful and it's good for any cut that u have.
This is great to have a variety pack because you never know what size you'll need until the moment you need it. This will cover any cut size. I loved the fact that inside the big box, they are sorted within their own coordinating smaller boxes. This makes it easy to keep them organized.
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Home Tester
17 Reviews
Home Tester
17 Reviews
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Perfect Family Pack
This is a perfect choice for a family. The assortment of types and sizes has something for every situation. The bandages are high quality. My kid was excited to see some with characters instead of just plain bandages.
All of these Band-aids stayed in place until taken off. I was impressed at how well even being applied on skin freshly lathered with coconut oil. I like the texture of all varieties as none felt like cheap plastic knockoffs I've used before. I will definitely purchase any/all varieties in the future.
I love this package of Band-Aids. It has a wide variety of sizes that will cover any wound. They stay on well and are water proof. You don't have to worry about it coming off. I loved the Toy Story character ones which are sure to be a hit with children. This will help them calm down despite their boo boos. This is great to have on hand. It will take care of the whole family.
A size for every need-emergency. They stay better when wet. Also a size type for glue sensitive people
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Home Tester Ace
42 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
42 Reviews
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No more “flesh” please
Band-Aid is a brand I trust and purchase. I like the variety of sizes in the Family Pack. Also like the Toy Story designs. My only issue is the “flesh” color. Why are band-aids still making these? I would rather have a band-aid with a cool design than these.
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Home Tester
9 Reviews
Home Tester
9 Reviews
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Great variety
This is an excellent variety of sizes for everyone in the family and different kind of cuts. Its great to have all of them on hand for whenever you need them .
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Home Tester
12 Reviews
Home Tester
12 Reviews
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This family pack is amazing. I really love it and i really like the fact that theres even kids character bandaids in the pack my 4 yr old was super excited to see those. I think its a great value and i love how many different types of bandaids are in the box.
When I first received the BANDAID family pack I didn’t think I was going to have a need to use each specific box included in the pack. But it actually turned out each little box inside had its own specific need and everyone in my family ended up taking their own little box for themselves! My nephew loved the toy story band aids! My mom enjoyed the water proof ones for when she’s at work constantly washing her hands or home in the swimming pool. My dad took the flexible fabric cuz he’s always cuttin up his hands doing things around the house. Last but not least the little variety pack is a perfect box to come with me in my glove box so I can have a variety of BANDIADS for a variety of adventures!
Elizabeth (Piscataway)
Elizabeth (Piscataway)
Angela (Flat Rock)
Angela (Flat Rock)
Jacqueline (Bastrop)
Jacqueline (Bastrop)
Julia (Callaway)
Julia (Callaway)
Stephanie (Hope Mills)
Stephanie (Hope Mills)
Shirley (Brooklyn)
Shirley (Brooklyn)
Allison (Kettering)
Allison (Kettering)
Jessica (Windham)
Jessica (Windham)
Gina (Overland Park)
Gina (Overland Park)
Brenda (Warner Robins)
Brenda (Warner Robins)
Sue (Fairborn)
Sue (Fairborn)
Melinda (Mankato)
Melinda (Mankato)
Tiffany (Moberly)
Tiffany (Moberly)
Renee (San Leandro)
Renee (San Leandro)