My son enjoyed playing with this set, he loves play doh. He is 3 years old and is very very happy with this
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Home Tester
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Home Tester
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Definitely recommend, my kids love it !
My kids LOVE playing With the Play-Doh Candy Delight. In their words they felt like “Charlie in the Chocolate Factory” ! The only thing that would make this set even better would be chocolate and sweetie smelling play-doh, o and also something to push the play-doh down into the drums at the top so to get more perfect gummy bears and chocolate bars coming out of the bottom. But other than that the kids have really enjoyed playing with this set. Would Definitely make a lovely gift or treat for your little ones.
The toy is great for encouraging imaginative play. It’s also great to get little minds interested in the kitchen. As a direct result of playing with this toy we are looking at buying stuff to make our own gummy bears and chocolate bars. I would highly recommend this play doh set to anyone who’s littles love to do things with their hands.
The only complaint is that you will have to constantly repurchase play doh pots as once you mix the colours and put it through the machine the colours are mixed forever and become muddy.
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Home Tester
15 Reviews
Home Tester
15 Reviews
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It's a hit, 5*!
This product was a great hit in our house not only to play as a family but for my daughter to play alone and give me a well earned rest and chance for a hot coffee! The play doh actually came out the right shapes from the rollers and press which is not always the case with similar products and using the brown you would think it was actual chocolate. The pieces are a bit tricky to clean between use and definitely require adult help. Both my 6 year old and I would recommend this to any play-doh lover. Once made the sweets can then be used to continue role play games e.g. Sweet shops.
The children absolutely loved it and I must admit so did I, it was easy to use and great fun making all the sweets with the bright colours inside, can’t recommend it enough to keep little hands and minds busy.
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Home Tester
59 Reviews
Home Tester
59 Reviews
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Absolutely brilliant. Kids loves it, I loved it.. Win win all around. Easy to assemble, easy and great fun to use, making all different sorts of "sweet treats" brilliant all around!
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julie(Near Coventry)
Home Tester Ace
90 Reviews
julie(Near Coventry)
Home Tester Ace
90 Reviews
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good set, provided lots of fun and interaction. easy to assemble and use. the crank is not hard to turn. be aware that once mixed and used the colours will not seperate. each side does a different sweet.
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315 Reviews
315 Reviews
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Play doe
My kids live play doe but noticed it dried out over night and also has these mouldy lumps on
This is such a great product from an iconic brand. It allows for hours of fun for my little one. His imagination can be let loose with it.
Home Tester Ace
284 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
284 Reviews
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Cool set
My daughter absolutely love this sets. They allow for creativity and role play, she always prepares me done sweet treats. I used to play with Play-doh, as a child and loved it and nostalgia my daughter used to the same!
Anna(Thornton Heath)
122 Reviews
Anna(Thornton Heath)
122 Reviews
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Kept my niece entertained for hours and she loves coming back to it all the time, after time we only had to buy extra play-doh but rather than that it’s really good quality and durable.
Carri (Martlesham)
Carri (Martlesham)
Chantal (London)
Chantal (London)
Fiona (Melrose)
Fiona (Melrose)
Charlotte (Coleraine)
Charlotte (Coleraine)
julie (Near Coventry)
julie (Near Coventry)
Lauren ()
Amanda (Liverpool)
Amanda (Liverpool)
Victoria (Chesterfield)
Victoria (Chesterfield)
Katarzyna (Corby)
Katarzyna (Corby)
Anna (Thornton Heath)
Anna (Thornton Heath)
Melissa ()
Sarah (Edinburgh)
Sarah (Edinburgh)