My kitten really enjoyed it. One of the few foods that he audibly "nom noms" to.
Home Tester
284 Reviews
Home Tester
284 Reviews
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Good cat food
I used to buy it for my cat, when he was little. He love it and never had any problems after this food.
8 Reviews
8 Reviews
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Expensive but quality
What I liked about it is that it doesn't smell overpowering like some cat foods. It also seems easy for kittens to eat as the content inside is in very small pieces. The portion sizes are good and it appears to be good quality. What I dislike is that it is quite pricey. Despite the meat peices being small, it looks quite gross in my opinion as they're triggering to people who have trypohphiba - might sound weird but I genuinely thought this! My kitten did eat it all up but I wouldn't buy again as I feel alternatives for a lower price are available.
Home Tester
139 Reviews
Home Tester
139 Reviews
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Hills cat food
A nice pate for your cat they will love the smell of fish & chicken it's a nice wet food.
After receiving this package to home test i though great something new to try the cats with and they both loved it looking for more afterwards. I would highly recommend it for your kittens / cats.
Very happy litlle boy. One can is big enough for him for one time. No problems after. Highly recomended
Home Tester Ace
1059 Reviews
Home Tester Ace
1059 Reviews
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Not too bad really
Cat loved this but some of the flavors stink the kitchen out but cat likes so long
Home Tester
69 Reviews
Home Tester
69 Reviews
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Chicken and Turkey Variety Box
I received the chicken and turkey variety box’s for my kitten to test. First impressions the packaging and the chunk sizes looked good and the health benefits and the fact that it is veterinarian approved was appealing to me as a pet owner.
My kitten however was unsure. At first she sniffed it and walked away and I thought oh dear she doesn’t like it. Which was a surprise as she’d tried several brands and always ate them. An hour later her bowl was empty.
I gave her another pouch in the evening and the next day she had a dodgy tummy. I figured it was too much of a change too soon so stuck to one pouch a day for a few days before introducing the 2nd and she was fine after that.
Kaz (London)
Kaz (London)
Katarzyna (Northampton)
Katarzyna (Northampton)
Hannah (Southport)
Hannah (Southport)
Geanina (Kirkby-In-Ashfield)
Geanina (Kirkby-In-Ashfield)
Monika (Worcester)
Monika (Worcester)
Justyna (Boston)
Justyna (Boston)