
West Melbourne | FL
Member since : 04 Aug 2020

  • Home Tester
  • 30 Reviews
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Reviews by: scott

TENA Men™ Maximum Guard


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for compensation I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree TENA Men Maximum Guard work well which you would expect from this time tested brand. The ease of use and satisfaction with a brand you can trust is a relief. This is to be expected from a premium brand product. TENA Men Maximum Guard are bulky and can be confused for or used as a disposable athletic protector (cup). This is a quality product all in all.

Depend® Real Fit®: Size S-M


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for compensation I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree Depend Real Fit work well which you would expect from this time tested brand. The ease of use and satisfaction with a brand you can trust is a relief. This is to be expected from a premium brand product. Depend Real Fit can be prone to be difficult for the adult to check while on but with the wet to dry technology there is no need to worry. This is a quality product all in all.

TYLENOL® Easy to Swallow


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for compensation I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree TYLENOL Easy to Swallow works well which you would expect from this time tested brand. The caplets ease of use and clear directions for use is good with little effort. This is to be expected from a premium brand product.TYLENOL Easy to Swallow gentleglide coating works as well as other Tylenol products. This is a quality product all in all.

Neutrogena - Healthy Skin Glow Perfector Pen (Medium)


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for compensation I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree NEUTROGENA HEALTHY SKIN GLOW PERFECTOR PEN - Medium works well which you would expect from this time tested product. The concealer’s performance was good and covered with little effort. This is to be expected from a premium brand product. The NEUTROGENA HEALTHY SKIN GLOW PERFECTOR PEN – Medium can be prone to release too much product until one gets a handle on using. Using as a spot remover it works great. This is a quality product all in all.

Michelin Optimum + Ceramic Beam Windshield Wiper Blade 22


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for compensation I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree Michelin Optimum+ Ceramic Beam Windshield Wiper Blades work which you would expect from Michelin Brand products. The wipers performance was good and kept the items going strong in the Florida rains. This is to be expected from a premium brand product over a relatively short test period. The test Michelin Optimum+ Ceramic Beam Windshield Wiper Blades seem to be slightly heavier than a less premium brand. When you change wiper blades a minimum of 4 times a year to be able to travel the highways and bye ways of our great state and the weather we enjoy. This is a quality product all in all.

Salted Caramel Latte with Oatmilk


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Chamberlain Coffee’s new oat milk lattes are delightful. Being a coffee drinker all day long and not a person who drinks frilly coffee drinks this was a nice cold alternative. There was a nice smooth taste with a hint of flavoring that was not over powering and not too small to make you wonder what or if there was a flavor. Chamberlain Coffee’s new lattes uses oat milk for a great alternative to milk yet I could not tell it was not a dairy product. I am excited to try many more chamber brand products, they have a true winner.

Mocha Latte with Oatmilk


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Chamberlain Coffee’s new oat milk lattes are delightful. Being a coffee drinker all day long and not a person who drinks frilly coffee drinks this was a nice cold alternative. There was a nice smooth taste with a hint of flavoring that was not over powering and not too small to make you wonder what or if there was a flavor. Chamberlain Coffee’s new lattes uses oat milk for a great alternative to milk yet I could not tell it was not a dairy product. I am excited to try many more chamber brand products, they have a true winner.

Toymendous Oopsie Cushion 2 Pack


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Toymendous, Oopsie Cushion, 2 Pack is just wrong. This is a poorly constructed rendition of the once laugh producing Whoopee Cushion that I found in the 5 and Dime of my youth. This version is now changing its name to Toymendous, Oopsie Cushion, 2 Pack and marketed for a new audience that fails to learn from history. The packaging is clear that this is a Chinese knock off that has a clear need to place in hopes that it works as the neck can easily bend not allowing the air to escape and produce the desired sound. Putting a “doggie” or “kitty” on the face does not change the look or action. I guess the old is new again but marketing it to small children (3+) might not be the best place for it to be stocked in stores.

Hydro Strike Nebula Pro Gel Water Bead Blaster


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Hydro Strike Nebula Pro Gel Water Bead Blaster is just wrong. The directions were clear and easy to follow. This is a planned activity and not a fun spontaneous toy, this is an effort to make an entire industry around this toy gun. The use of Hydro Strike Nebula Pro Gel Water Bead Blaster quickly took the fun out of using it with the need to hydrate the gel beads for several hours and quickly ran out and a need to go to the store to buy more that again needed several hours to hydrate. I would not suggest using the old favorite water gun or for the same price a Super Soaker. Just a waste of money in my opinion.

Lipo Flavonoid Advanced Balance Support


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Lipo Flavonoid Advanced Balance Support is another product that makes BIG CLAIMS, & use a fancy seal. The directions were clear and easy to follow. After using it for several days,I was unable to see it make a difference. The use of Lipo Flavonoid Advanced Balance Support for me changed nothing in my balance issues for me Boom Fall Down. I would not suggest using this product without your Dr. prescribing it unless you wish to put added unnecessary chemicals into your body.

Conair Man 100% Boar Bristle Handheld Hair Brush


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Conair Man 100% Boar Bristle Handheld Hair Brush is another great product from Conair. The size and brush feeling is extremely comfortable. After using it I able to see it will be a reason for all to give rave reviews of this product. The use of Conair Man 100% Boar Bristle Handheld Hair Brush quickly took care of massaging my scalp with short hair, and felt great on my long beard. I allowed my wife to borrow this brush to try on her waist length hair, and fought her to get it back.

onn. Slim Rugged Samsung A14 Red


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Red Samsung Galaxy A14 Slim Rugged Case is another great product from ONN. The directions were clear and easy to follow. After using it I able to see it was a cheap Chinese product. The use of Red Samsung Galaxy A14 Slim Rugged Case quickly took care of covering my phone with basic fit but not a true fit like the case I purchased with the phone. I would not suggest using the charging port cover often without it breaking off. For basic use to help from case scratches it will do.

Depend Shields For Men 58


I am writing this review after receiving a full size sample from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Depend Shields for Men 58 is another great product from Depends. The directions were clear and easy to follow. After using it I able to resume activities without my worrying that I might be embarrassed with occasional leakage. The use of Depend Shields for Men 58 quickly took care of the unwanted staining of clothes without worrying about poor fit or unwelcome bulging of the product.

Suavitel Sensations 14.4oz Brazilian Paradise


I am writing this review after receiving a free bottle from Home Tester Club In return for this free sample I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree Suavitel Sensations 14.4oz Brazilian Paradise has a great strong smell even with the bottle never opened, this carries over to the laundry even after it sits in the closet for several days. I am sure that washing with Suavitel Sensations 14.4oz Brazilian Paradise will compliment the clean smell of any beautiful home.

Adventure Force 24 inch NASCAR Race Car Hauler with 4 Stock Cars and Course Markers 12 pieces


I am writing this review after receiving a toy set from Home Tester Club. In return for this free toy set I am reviewing this product. I nor any of my family are in any way connected to or work for any associated companies. #GotItFree The Adventure Force 24 inch NASCAR Race Car Hauler with 4 Stock Cars and Course Markers 12 pieces is a lower price and quality toy set from the big name brands. There were no directions to follow. After using it in combination with my children the car set was not designed for little ones who play hard. We found a real difference while using this toy set than the similarly priced big name brand comparable in action. The scale of this set and similar Adventure Brand toys are not the same as other brands making comparable playing is not possible.