Walch OXI Clean Anti-bacterial Concentrated Detergent

4.6 5 0 32 32 这款产品能够去除高达99.9%的尘螨,OXI还有助于去除顽固污渍。使用后,它能够驱散难闻的气味,还您一个干净清洁的空气。
Walch OXI Clean Anti-bacterial Concentrated Detergent


excellent cleaning power
this detergent able to clean your toughest stain without damaging your cloth. Just a small amount is enough to clean your cloth and smell nice. A bit expensive compared with other brands but the value is high.
Amazing product!
It's really concentrated, you don't need to much of it to do your laundry. only downside about it is the price compared to other brands, it's slightly more pricey. The smell is nice too, plus the solution is anti-bacterial which is essential for covid-19 period.