Shurah Krim Kecantikan

4.4 5 0 266 266 这款⾯霜是荷兰进⼝的⽺奶和玻尿酸(HA)配制成,它不油腻,能有效的滋润及滋养您的⽪肤。同时它也包含了紫外线防护膜功能,让您的肌肤免受紫外线的伤害。 <p>化妆前可以达到最佳效果,让您的肤⾊变得更均勻,柔嫩光滑,容光焕发!
Shurah Krim Kecantikan


Wangi Tekstur soft Tidak melekit
1st time guna dah suka sebab baunya yg wangi, tesktur lembut dan terus meresap pada wajah.. Tidak melekit dan sekata bila diratakan pd wajah..
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Natural, simple, nice
First impression, packaging a bit dull. It's as if the product has been in the shelf for 5 years back. I wish the colour choice of the packaging to be more vibrant & modern. The case of the cream is simple. A classic case of a cream - green cap with white bottom. The texture is nice, although it might not cover like a BB or CC cream coverage but I like the smell, the texture not oily or dry to your skin. I always wear it whenever I'm going out so that I won't feel so...bare. I'll consider buying this product once I finish it.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Shurah terbaik
Sesiapa yang belum dapatkan produk shurah, wajib untuk anda dapatkan sekarang
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Cantik berkeyakinan dan ceria
Krim shurah kecantikan dapat memberi keyakinan pada saya bila keluar rumah
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Brightness and glowing
Kulit lebih cerah 1 tona ke hadapan, tidak berminyak dan tidak menutup pori muka
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
good coverage, even skin tone,
Good to be used as a makeup based as it does makes my makeup stays for a longer time.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Krim kecantikan yg tidak berminyak, mengandungi susu kambing untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit dan juga melindungi kulit daripada sinaran UV.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Moderate, smell good, cute packaging
Krim wangi, tp bila apply pd muka terasa muka jadi oily. Maybe tak berapa sesuai utk saya. Tp coverage ok, muka jadi glow
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Suitable for all skin types
I received this product during pkp, even just staying at home i still use it everyday after my morning skincare routine. Before this, i bought this once but its already 3,4 years back and i still love using it now. Everytime you apply to your skin, it moist your skin and makes your skin looks in one tone also will helps when you apply foundation it will makes your foundation looks smooth and just wear it if you feel lazy to put any makeup and after apply this krim, just put baby powder to your face because its really light and doesnt makes your face oily. I recommend this to my family and friends. Btw, tq hometester club for giving me chance to try this amazing product.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
good product
good produk saya akan terus memakai dan membeli produk shurah
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Krim Kecantikan Shuerah sangat sangat bagus diguna, texture krim yang tidak terlampau oily, dan sangat serap kulit. Pakai dalam tempoh masa yang lama kulit jadi lebih glowing
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
I love cream shurah,
Cream shurah Sgt berbaloi, xberminyak, sesuao untuk semua Jenis kulit muka...wangi jew Dan semestinya sy menyukai
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
I love it
Sangat best bila pakai tak kering muka lembab ja muka jadi cerah ja pakai tak kusam
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Best product
Nice product, can bring my skin look pretty but got little bit oily, thanks to home tester for give me a chance to try.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
cantik, lembut, wangi
Terima Home Tester Club sebab beri peluang cuba produk hebat ni. Memang best bila guna krim kecantikan Shurah. Halal, lembut, wangi dan tanpa merengsakan kulit. Rasa selesa tiap hari dan penuh yakin kerana kecantikan kulit kesan dari penggunaan produk Shurah
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