Johnson's Active Kids Strong & Healthy Shampoo

4.7 5 0 33 33 Johnson's Active Kids Strong & Healthy洗发水能够使用维生素E温和清洁您的秀发,减少发质破坏并给予头发更多营养。当婴儿开始走路和玩耍时,他们的需求也会发生变化,这款产品虽然是为成人专门设计的温和型产品,但对正在学步的儿童也同样有效!
Johnson's Active Kids Strong & Healthy Shampoo


Rapunzel shampoo
My niece using this shampoo and she loves it so much because of the Rapunzel image. Her hair feels soft because she used those hair to toe shampoo.
Johnson active kid
Shampoo Johnson's ® Active Kids ™ Shiny Drops membersihkan dengan lembut dengan kandungan Argan oil & Silk protein agar rambut halus dan berkilau. Ketika bayi mulai aktif bergerak dan bermain, kebutuhannya mulai berubah. Johnson's ® Active Kids™ dirancang khusus untuk menjadi produk yang lembut versi dewasa, namun efektif bagi kebutuhan balita. •Mengandung pH seimbang, Telah Teruji oleh Dermatologi •Didukung dengan formula untuk kebutuhan pertumbuhan rambut anak-anak •dengan Argan oil & Silk protein untuk rambut berkilau & halus
Good try
JOhnson's products is a branded and good quality products, its product is made of natural and safe ingredients, this shampoo is smooth and rich, it can clean well and the scent is good.
Rambut anak wangi
Suka sebab rambut jadi lembut dan wangi je bila guna. Packaging pun cantik. Saya suka
Shampoo terbaik utk penjagaan rambut baby
Shampoo yg wangi & Tahan lama baunya selepas penggunaan.. wangian yg mewah & rambut baby tumbuh dgn lebat serta bersinar..
Gentle on hair
Gentle cleansing baby shampoo from Johnson's is very much safe and irritation free for kids. It is very moisturizing, mild smell and lathers very well with just a drop of the shampoo. It keeps the baby hair soft and silky fresh. It is chemical free and made of natural ingredients which are good for hairs.
shampoo budak
memang wangi .pakeging mmg cantik anak berebut nak pakai sebab comel sgt gamba tu . buih byk .wangi pun tahan lama .terbaik
Good smell
My kids like this unique body shampoo as they like its smell, the texture is light but rich, it is easy to apply and make their skin smooth and moisture. The price is a bit high but it worthy.
Johnson's shampoo
Sangt wangi dan melembutkan rambut anak saya. Senang untuk disikat selepas mengunakan shampoo ini. Anak saya sangat suka kan nya
Safe to use
JOhnson's brand is a well known brand, I like its products as it is safe and save to use, the natural ingredient which can protect my family members. My whole family like to use it !
Veryyy good product
Sangat lembut,terurus,wangi Dan sesuai untuk anak saya..penjagaan rambut yang terbaik untuk kanak2..produk penjagaan rambut ni juga boleh diguna untuk orang dewasa yang Ada masalah kegatalan,kelemumur Dan keguguran rambut.
Very good..and nice..i like it to use...for my child