Friso Gold® Step 3

4.7 5 0 303 303 百分百从荷兰原装进口,Friso Gold®儿童配方奶粉容易被消化,有助于让您的孩子体质变得更强壮。LocNutri™ 科技,能锁留高达90%的天然营养*。<br><br> 如今以TrackEasy智能包装设计,扫描并全程追溯您孩子源自荷兰的牛奶,让您对孩子的奶粉质量倍感安心。 <br><br> <sup>*参考牛奶蛋白中所需的营养素。</sup>
Friso Gold<sup>®</sup> Step 3


Frisò memang hebat
Saya mama kepada 3 orang anak. Saya agak terkejut friso gold smpai di rumah saya .saya memberi anak saya susu tersebut. Saya benar-benar tidak menyangka anak-anak saya serasi dengan friso gold dan banyak perbezaan dengan susu lain nya seperti anak saya menjadi pintar ,aktif dan membesar dengan baik. Saya pasti akan mengekal kan friso dalam keluarga kami. Rugi tak cuba ,cuba tak rugi. Saya mengesyorkan pada keluarga lain agar menggunakan friso ini kerana khasiat nya 100% dari belanda iaitu susu yang berkualiti tinggi di negara sana.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
It taste good for me
My child do not like the taste of Friso due to not that sweet compare with previous one. This make me feel I should change my current brand to Friso because it less sweet
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Quality Affordable Good
Quality growing up milk for children, easy digestive milk for sensitive tummy
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Easy digest
Good formula as children growing up milk,healthy & tasty
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Love it
Friso Gold adalah susu yang sesuai untuk membantu tumbesaran anak saya.. patut Cuba!
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Tasty..nutritious..easy digest
After have tried friso gold to my son, i may consider to switch to this although its a bit pricey
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Nyata berkualiti, rasa yang anak gemari
“Suspen juga nak cubakan susu baru pada "anak"😅 Mujur "anak" suka rasa Friso Gold ini🥰 Nampaknya formula susu ini mudah untuk dihadam oleh perut si kecil saya.. jadi saya yakin semua kebaikan nutrisi produk ini dapat diserap oleh tubuhnya.. dan paling penting ia tak buat anak sembelit atau cirit-birit🤭 Nyata berkualiti, rasa yang anak gemari👍”
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
premium, trustable, imported
Friso Gold is a fully imported product suitable for children and is the ever reliable go to growing up milk for my kid.
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Yummy and delicious
Friso Gold have a good taste. My kids don’t have any discomfort.
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High strength
You can see that the child has stronger resistance and immunity, not constipation
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Nutritious, confidence, transparency
My child shows some improvement in consuming growing up milk eventhough he is not a lover of that initially.
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Tasty,healthy and quality
Friso gold is growing up milk for children and have a quality product to give our children.make sure friso gold must have in our home to make our children happy.
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Kids just don't drink it
When i try to give my kids the milk they just refuse it. They said the taste is bad. I don't have any idea since i don't taste both.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
My kids love it.
My kids love Friso milk so much. I had changed to Friso immediately after trial.
  • 家庭测试 免费产品
Nutritious, Growth, Strong
This formulated milk powder is good for positive growth, contains essential nutrients that needed for a child to build strong body resistance. I like the packing as it is hygiene and the taste not too sweet for children. it is not to expensive and affordable and yet provide a better nutrient to my kids.
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