Chek Hup Cham Tarik

4.5 5 0 260 260 尝一尝 Chek Hup Cham Tarik 的味道。<br><br> 采用100%进口巴西咖啡豆和肯尼亚红茶制成,不含人工咖啡精和茶精。一如本地咖啡店的“Cham”,咖啡的苦味和茶香完美融合,加上香浓的炼乳味道,带给您念念不忘的本地怀旧风味。<br><br> Chek Hup Cham Tarik让您无论在何处都能享受到最正宗的“Cham”。<br><br> Anywhere can be Kopitiam
Chek Hup Cham Tarik


Kopitiam taste at home. Rich arome and less sweet.
Rich aroma, less sweet, premium taste for instant coffee
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Chek Hup Cham Tarik茶香味一流,与在mamak现泡现饮的几乎可达至共同点。口感香滑,没苦涩的感觉,是家家户户早餐必备之饮料。
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Love this scent with coffee scent & not too sweet
Love this aroma, not too sweet. Although added ice, still taste good
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Aromatic, tasteful,rich in taste
The coffee smell so nice and aromatic while the taste is very good.It make me feel amazing first time trying the coffee and taste was so good
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It taste so good, will recommend to family
很开心被Home Tester Club选中测试chek hup新产品Cham tarik,试了几天chek hup Cham tarik,味道不错,不会很甜,很香滑,而且有茶室冲泡cham的味道。不喜欢甜饮料的人可以试下这个
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Rasa penuh Kaya dengan kopi yang sebenar
Rasa kopi yang tidak terlalu pahit dan hanya ringan sahaja
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Taste is ok and good for trying
Overall the taste is good, but in my mind the taste for cham tarik shoud coffee and tea balance. For the taste of this chek hup cham tarik is tea more than coffee. And i feel a bit sweeter.
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Tasty, economic and very smoothy
Wow,whats the great experience to try this wonderful cup of coffee plus tea in one sachet on my beautiful routine morning. When i first tried it, i can feel the smoothes texture with the aromatic smelt and guess what, i feel in love with this coffee..i will definitely buy again. I also will recommend to my family and friends who definitely will love this coffee
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Citarasa Malaysia dan enak tiada terperi
Kopitiam mudah hanya koyak dan bancuh. Sedap dan ianya sangat Malaysia
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Cham never taste better just like Kopitiam
Excited to try out Cham Tarik from Chek Hup when I got selected. The packaging looks attractive and reminisce the Kopitiam feel. The experience and taste didnt disappoint me, a rich flavourful taste of Teh and thick aroma of tarik even though I didn't really Tarik at all. I guess it's due to blended milk or ingredients to make it easy to mix and stir for everyday consumption. It is not too sweet either just perfect for a cup of Cham to satisfy my craving.
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Chek Hup Cham Tarik, 很有在咖啡店喝的感觉。。冲泡也很容易。 非常希望价钱不会太高。。
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Kelazatan sehingga terbawa,-bawa setiap masa
Saya sangat suka chek hup cham tarik kerana kelazatan yang tiada tandingannya..Ia juga membantu saya menikmati rasa yang sebenar..dan saya akan terus mnjadi pengguna jenama ini kerana ia sesuai dengan citarasa saya
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rasa yang menggamit kenangan kecil
rasa kurang manis. sesuai dengan semua peringkat umur
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Sesuai untuk peminat kopi dan teh
Pendapat saya, ia sesuai untuk peminat teh dan kopi kerana ada kedua rasa. Namun, ia tidak sesuai untuk yang tidak sukakan rasa yang bercampur.
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Common 3 in 1 coffee taste with a little too sweet.
The taste is a little bit disappointing. It tastes like a diluted cham and slightly too sweet for me.
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