
4.8 5 0 281 281 Sudocrem<sup>®</sup> diperbuat berasaskan bahan kalis air dan emolien bagi membentuk lapisan perlindungan terhadap najis, air kencing dan perengsa lain yang boleh menyebabkan ruam lampin. Ia sesuai digunakan dalam cuaca Malaysia kerana formulasinya yang kurang melekit dan berminyak. Juga mudah disapu pada kawasan yang berkenaan dan pada masa yang sama menjadikan kulit bayi anda lembap dan gebu. <br><br> Tambahan lagi, ia mengandungi kandungan hipoalergenik yang membantu untuk melegakan, memulihara, melembapkan dan melindungi kulit bayi anda yang mulus.


Effective, Good, Trusted
Trusted, Good product, Effective. Baby skin is sensitive especially their 'bum-bum' that most of the time wearing pampers/diapers in their early age. With Sudocrem I had no worries on redness 'bum-bum' issue because it won't happen. Dear Mommies remember use Sudocrem, you won't regret buying this product.
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Gentle, nice and soothing
Its good to use, i have been purchasing Sudocream since my first child is born, now im also goijg to buy the same brand for my second ones!
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Sangat bagus untuk ruam lampin
Sangat sesuai untuk melegakan ruam lampin dan melembabkan kulit baby
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Great and excellent product
Firstly, I would like to say Thank you to Sudocrem and Home Tester Club for choosing me as one of the tester. After my apply the Sudocrem cream, the redness problem of my baby have been improve so much.
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It is effective on nappy rash
It really helps on soothing the nappy rash. I did also use to apply on the eczema rashes. it can soothe and moisturize the skin, but the parts u apply will be white in color.
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Effective Nappy Cream for the babies
I started using Sudocream since my first born, and for my second kids i continue using it and find that it suits my kids the best.
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recommanded,good product, affordable.
Verry recommended.My daughter rash healed after the next day using this cream.Mommies should try this cream.The best cream ever.
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这个真的很好用,但是一定要买对版本。 而且价格也非常实惠,最重要需要的时候容易找得到。
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Sudocrem great for treating nappy rash,
Sudocrem is an excellent cream that is highly recommended by parents and healthcare professionals alike. Its proven effectiveness, hypoallergenic properties, versatility, and range of container sizes make it a must-have item for every family. it can also be used for a variety of other skin conditions, such as minor burns, cuts, and grazes. Its versatility makes it an essential item to have in your family's first aid kit.
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Sudocream helps in preventing nappy rash
Sudocream keeps my baby skin moist all the time and it helps to prevent nappy rash.
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Best nappy cream for babies
My son has eczema and I have been switching different nappy cream to suit him. After switching to Sudocream, I will no longer purchase other nappy cream as it is the best! My son has never experience any nappy rash and his skin is always smooth and supple! Also 1 bottle of Sudocream can last you long time. I will continue to use Sudocream for my babies.
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味道清新,不会难闻。 宝宝不再有不舒服感而哭闹,屁屁也不再红红,身为妈妈的我们,用到对的产品感到很开心。
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Sudocrem is a light and gentle protect
Sudocrem Care & Protect is a light and gentle ointment that protects the skin from the causes of nappy rash by caring for and protecting your baby’s extra delicate skin. Sudocrem Care & Protect comes in a rectangular white box, inside the box is a soft plastic tube with an easy to use flip-top lid. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is a medicine licensed designed to treat nappy rash and other skin problems including eczema, sunburn and cuts & grazes. It soothes and heals the skin and its classic white cream is packaged in several sized tubs.
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Bagus dan berkesan,serasi
Saya telah menguna kan nya ,trnyata produk ini bagus dan mmberi kesan yg baik ,saya mmpercayai nya .terima kasih
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Good for baby mild eczema like my son.
Anak saya ada ekzema yg ringan selepas mandi sapu di tempat yg kering Dan kesan nya luar biasa mengurangkan kekeringan serta melembutkan kulit yg kering.
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