Clorox® Bleach

4.7 5 0 324 324 Alami keunggulan kuasa membersih dengan Clorox® Bleach. <br> <ul><li>Membasmi 99.9% kuman</li> <li>Membersih dan membasmi kuman</li> <li>Menjadikan pakaian lebih putih</li> <li>Menanggalkan kotoran</li></ul>
Clorox<sup>®</sup> Bleach


clean easy to apply
Is easy to use and clean the surface well. I love using them all time. Thank you .
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Brand yang sangat dipercayai
Anak yang ada exzema sangat sesuai untuk digunakan dirumah kerana mampu membasmi kuman dan bakteria yang ada pada permukaan lantai. Jenama ni jugak sangat terkenal sejak berzaman lagi.
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very good use
I love Clorox. Use it liberally everywhere in the house. However, I needed a good all-purpose cleaner and discovered the Clorox Cleaner spray. But don't think it won't bleach just because it's used as a clean-up cleaner, because it will. Just have to be cautious. I love clean, sparkling sinks and tubs and toilets. This is perfect.
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能有效清除污渍和消毒浴室表面。。。。。。。 能輕鬆的清洗和消毒浴室表面。。。。。。。 節省打掃的時間。。。。。。。。 方便快速。。。。。
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perfect for using in household work.
the best products of Clorox Bleach that I'm using in my household work. perfect, clean and the very important that kills the all germ and bacteria. thank you.
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just the smell is abit too strong
is spotly clean , like it, it helps me to clean my item very well
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Cleans it all
I am using Clorox Bleach Original for mopping floor, wipes kitchen surface, counter tops, cabinet even soaking my kid toys. My family had using this products for years and truly confident that Clorox Bleach kills 99.9% of household germs and bacteria. Stay germ-free without worries.
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Strong stain removals
Strong stain removals and killing germs, whitens clothing
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CLOROX 漂白剂液体没有化学物质,不仅不会对我们造成伤害,还可以确保皮肤安全。用法方便,能快速消毒表面。
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Bersih & besinar
Saya sangat berpuas hati dengn clorox bleach,sebelum dapt sample ni pun memang saya pengguna clorox bleach,suka sangat dengan hasilnya yg beraih berkilat hilang kotoran2 degil,kalau untuk bji sy akan rendam clorox bleach bersama sabun pilihan saya untuk 10 minit sebelum basuh & bilas,saya mmg suka dengan clorox ni sejak dari dulu lg👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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Bagus membasmi kuman..
Good product .. thanks for give me to trying the product..
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Berkesan menanggalkan kotoran
Clorox bleach amat berkesan untuk mencuci lantai yang kotor dan membasmi kuman yang terdapat dipermukaan lantai.
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Best product ever!
the clorox clean up with bleach is great. i not only cleans really well, smells good, but with the bleach i feel like it kills all the germs and nasty things that make us sick! ✔ Yes, I recommend this product.
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Good product
Clorox bleach tidak mempunyai bau yang kurng menyenangkan seperti sesetengah produk peluntur yg lain
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All purpose cleaner
Clorox able to remove almost every stain and suitable for disinfection
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