Mentholatum® Baume Naturel au menthol

4,9 5 0 39 39 Depuis 1889, la pommade Mentholatum Original a été approuvée par les familles depuis des générations pour apporter un soulagement apaisant aux muscles et aux articulations douloureuses. Excellent pour une utilisation pendant la saison froide, il aide à soulager les douleurs de poitrine associées aux rhumes et à la grippe. Ses vapeurs aromatiques apaisent et rafraîchissent les voies nasales. Il suffit de le frotter sur la poitrine, le cou ou le dos et sentir le soulagement commence. Soulagement de la respiration. Aide à soulager les maux de poitrine associés aux rhumes. Soulage la congestion nasale légère et la toux. Peut être appliqué sur la poitrine, le cou et le dos. Les vapeurs aromatiques apaisent les voies nasales. Disponible en 100 ml et 30 ml.
Mentholatum® Baume Naturel au menthol


Great product
When it comes to my kids, I try to use the most natural products. This helps a lot with colds and is my number one remedy to easy cough and cold symptoms. I definitely recommend it!
Menthol Rub
I think this product is great for kids. Ive used it forever.
Stuff up
This amazing product helps me when I have colds and I’m stuffy, it helps you to clear all up.
This is my go to when sick It smells great
My kids are the 4th generation!
I have vivid memories of my aunt chasing me around the house to put this on to help with allergy relief, darn she was quick for age, and I wome up feeling relief from congestion. Always recommend!
It works amazing when your nose is dry. Or having trouble sleeping , put on your feet with socks
Perfect for a Child
I love using this on my daughter who has very sensitive skin, works awesome when she is stuffed up and leaves no itchy rash.
Gentle on Your Skin
An excellent product for the whole family including young children. Very gentle on the skin yet effective for the body. The Menthol works well for all kinds of treatments for every family member.
Using since I was a kid
This product was used by my Mom for me when I was a kid and I still use it for myself if I get too stuffed up. I also used it for my children when they were young and I recommended it to them for their children.

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