GERBER® P’tits Plats® Pâtes-étoiles sauce viande avec haricots
GERBER® P’tits Plats® Pâtes-étoiles sauce viande avec haricots
3,7508686Nouvelle apparence, même bon goût! Le repas Pâtes-étoiles en sauce à la viande avec haricots verts (192 g) P’tits Plats de GERBER est un plat délicieux conçu pour votre tout-petit.
GERBER® P’tits Plats® Pâtes-étoiles sauce viande avec haricots
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GERBER® P’tits Plats® Pâtes-étoiles sauce viande avec haricots
Nouvelle apparence, même bon goût! Le repas Pâtes-étoiles en sauce à la viande avec haricots verts (192 g) P’tits Plats de GERBER est un plat délicieux conçu pour votre tout-petit.
Nouvelle apparence, même bon goût! Le repas Pâtes-étoiles en sauce à la viande avec haricots verts (192 g) P’tits Plats de GERBER est un plat délicieux conçu pour votre tout-petit.
My daughter loved the pasta stars! She devoured the lil entrees every time we gave this to her at mealtime. We noticed that she slept better and kept her full longer. Would recommend to other families.
My daughter just couldn’t get on board with this one. I tasted it, and the beans had no flavour and the pasta was bland. I appreciated that it had no additives and was on the healthier side of a quick meal, but wasn’t a hit.
5 Critiques
5 Critiques
0 Téléverser
It’s only ok
I honestly thought I was going to love this product; it’s convenient, not overly expensive, no preservatives, etc. however, the taste isn’t all that great.. it’s very bland. I’m not saying that it isn’t a good product, I’m just saying it didn’t work for our family
My first babe loved this and i plan on feeding it to my second when shes old enough. Perfect portion sizes and nice, quick and easy for when youre in a rush or your baby thinks youve starved them when you clearly fed them 10 mins ago. I love the fact it has meat and veg
The date was good, it smelled alright, but my baby would NOT eat another bite. I tried some and it tasted a bit weird, so I didn't plan to force him to finish it. We threw it out because it was no good.
4 Critiques
4 Critiques
0 Téléverser
Definitely kid friendly
My nephews and niece ages ranging from two to ten love love love these. They know auntie always has these in her home for when they visit. Highly recommended
The babies loved it. There's a good variety to choose from . It would be awesome to have some new meals to chose from . Overall we're happy with like entrees
Denisse(Fort Mcmurray)
13 Critiques
Denisse(Fort Mcmurray)
13 Critiques
0 Téléverser
Very convenient
My daughter is a picky eater but she loved this pasta! She loves anything tomatoey so she enjoyed this meal. She didn't like the beans that came with it though. I like that this is convenient for moms who needs a quick meal for their kids. Also affordable!
Vanessa(St. Catharines)
7 Critiques
Vanessa(St. Catharines)
7 Critiques
0 Téléverser
A Babysitters Go to Meal
I watch an 18month old boy at least once a week and he is a occasionally picky eater but has a big appetite. I started getting him the entrees as they have veggies as well includes with the meal and are so quick and easy to prepare and taste great as he eats all of it everytime
Definitely an easy meal to get ready and have on the table. However, my children hates the actual meal. We got a few green beans down but most ended up on the floor. I would purchase other versions though to try. I like the idea and the convenience- just not this meal.
my little guy had been eating these from 8 months and just loved them... The price was a bit steep, but so quick and convenient!
I would normally all be eaten up!
I wish we had all the same kinds in canada as they have in the USA though to give some something different rather than the same few kinds.
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Rhyleigh (Thunder Bay)
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