Natrel Mango Ice Cream Mochi

4.4 5 0 75 75 Discover a touch more with Natrel’s new Japanese-inspired indulgent ice cream that can be savoured with your fingers. Let yourself enjoy this refined yet indulgent treat. Taste the new mango mochi made with ice cream and real mango, wrapped in a slightly sweet rice dough.
Natrel Mango Ice Cream Mochi


strong mango flavor
The product has a strong mango flavor. if you don't like mango you won't like it. No my favorite flavor from mochi but it is still good.
Not for me
Saw this on sale at the grocery store and thought I'd give it a try. The ice cream in the center was creamy and flavourful, but the texture of the exterior was chewy and strange, and left me with an odd feeling. Since I've never tried mochi before, I'm not a reliable judge of this product. The chewy texture just wasn't for me.
A great twist on the original!
I love the original so I thought I'd try the ice cream, and it was delicious! It has nice big chunks of mango and mochi in there. Yum! Give it a try!
Mochi Mango
Natrel Mango Ice Cream Mochi is simply delicious. The rice dough outer and the icy cold inside is the perfect combination. Absolutely a favourite treat in our household. Would. recommend
Mochi mango
J’ai essayé le mochi à la crème glacée à la mangue et j’ai été très déçu. Je m’attendais à aimer ce produit mais la pâte de riz était vraiment désagréable dans la bouche. Par contre, la crème glacée à la mangue était délicieuse. Je ne vais pas racheter ce produit. Ce n’est pas pour moi et ma famille.
The ice cream flavor is good but i dont like the rice dough. It feels powdery too much for my taste.
Great mochi snack!!
a very good and yummy cold treat, i loved the texture, the rice dough is not too much thick and match so well with the ice cream also the mango flavor it's my favorite taste hella good!
Not great
I was excited to try this product when it first came out but was underwhelmed. It was smaller, dryer and less flavourful than some other mochi I have tried but I guess for something mass produced it is okay.
excellent flavour!
We really like it, as well as the vanilla and chocolate ones
Love to eat
Basically in my country its very easy to buy mangos on cheaper price. But here because of custom or another taxes mango price is very high. So cannot make ice cream at home so thats why I prefer to eat this one
Nice touch and taste of mango
One of my favorite mocchi. Tasty, with a natural flavour of mango. Don’t taste fake. I like the texture and the size.
Si bon!!
Tellement bon! Il faut aimer la texture de la pâte qui est autour de la crème glacée mais ca fait vraiment un bon petit dessert pas trop de sucre, et le format du mochi et aussi la quantité danscla boîte sont parfait pour moi. Il y a vraiment un bon goût de mangue ce wui sleon moi est difficile a avoir parfoit dans un dessert!
Try them all
So tasty and the perfect texture, such a simple easy delicious way to have ice cream, do yourself a favour run to Costco and grab your self the combo pack so you can try some of the other flavours you won’t regret it
J'aime la texture du Mochi. La saveur Mango est délicieuse et mes enfants l'aime beaucoup.
Didn't scream for this
i tried Mochi at work and the mango flavoured ice cream inside the sticky rice dough was good. It was smooth and not artificial tasting, but I can't get past the gummy ball of dough on the outside.

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