Halls Vitamin C Assorted Citrus Flavour

4.6 5 0 245 245 HALLS Vitamin C lozenges helps to maintain immune system. HALLS Vitamin C lozenges provide at least 100% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C per dose.  
Halls Vitamin C Assorted Citrus Flavour


They help
Nice citrus flavour & they help me when I start coughing.
Great flavour
I keep these in the cupboard for my young family to stay healthy. We always seem to get sick at the start of the school year but having these around for my family to take has helped with that. These are always in our cupboard during the school year to help keep everyone’s immune systems working efficiently. This is a staple product in our house.
It isn't honey
The thing about halls is that it will always leave a taste in your mouth. This one will leave a weird flavour on your tongue after you suck on it. I don't think you have a reason to buy this over the honey flavoured one if you are forced to.
Works kinda
The tase is really good and it does help but it’s not long lasting. You need to take a lot of them throughout the day.
Best Vitamin C supplement
This is my favorite Vitamin C supplement, and much more enjoyable than gummies. It tastes terrific and lasts a while. If you want something for a dry mouth and throat use this instead of chaulk chewable tablets.
Great taste
Having this vitamin c as a supplement seems like a great idea for Halls. I can’t say that I feel the effects of the drop but it helps to increase my vitamin c intake. I like the fact that it’s small and not overly sweet. I just tried these a week ago and leave it in the car for a daily commute.
Works great
I’ve always used halls as my go to for cold and flu symptoms. I love how they have different flavours, how they taste and how easy it is to find at the store ! Would recommend to all
The best
I always buy these over regular lozenges. I don’t know if it’s just me or not but if I have a swollen throat these always seem to help. My mom loves them as well. I’m not the biggest fan of the taste but it’s not bad. That’s just my personal preference though. I’d recommend and always have these on hand.
A bit strong
I found using these to be a bit strong in the flavours. It worked pretty good but not to my liking
Love These
This is one of my favorite lozenges. Not only do they have the required amount of daily vitamin c, they are great for dry mouth and are soothing. The citrus flavors are great. I recommend this product.
Nice taste
It tastes like candy. Mild soothing of the throat, and relieved dry mouth temporarily. I preferred this flavor over the honey lemon and eucalyptus ones. It would be cool if they made gummies or chews so that it could slide down throat, coat it and linger, like honey or jello does without choking.
calming for a sore throat
If I am going to have a lozenge, I want it to be with one. It is effective and still tastes great, so you want to have it. It is so calming for a sore throat.
Throw some in pocket or purse
Great way to help get your daily recommended dosage. Kid approved Good alternative to the chalky tablets.
Taste like candy
These are the best Vitamin C lozenges I have ever had. They taste better than candy! My grandmother used to have them all the time and I used to eat them all the time! I recommend these to anyone who needs help with their Vitamin C and doesn't like pills or needs an alternative form of taking Vitamin C.
Does the job
Love how they work and you’re getting vitamin c at the same time. They taste quite good unlike some other brands I’ve tried

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